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How To take a bath Your Dog

How To take a bath Your Dog
Once you’re prepared to take on the task (with or without your dog’s cooperation), here’s what to do:
  • - Brush your dog before a bath. Matted hair holds water, leaving your dog with irritated skin. (If you can’t brush or cut the mats out yourself, take your dog to a professional groomer.) Put a cotton ball in each ear to keep water out. It helps prevent ear infections and irritation.

  • - Use lukewarm water. Dog skin is different from ours, and hot water can burn dogs more easily. Bath water should never be hotter than what you’d run for a human baby. Keep it even cooler for large-breed dogs, who can easily overheat.

  • - Talk to your pet in a calm and reassuring voice. Some dogs will eventually learn that you’re not torturing them, although others will continue to hide under the kitchen table whenever you get out a towel.

  • - Use dog shampoo. It dries their skin less than people shampoo. Work the shampoo into a gentle lather and massage it all over your dog’s body, being careful not to get soap in her eyes.

  • - Rinse well. Any soap left in her fur can irritate your dog’s skin once she’s dry. Rinse, rinse, and repeat the rinse.

  • - Air-dry. Hot air from a human blow-dryer can be too hot for their skin. Either air-dry or use a blow-dryer designed for dogs; its lower temperatures won’t cause itching or dandruff.

  • - Reward your dog. Follow up with abundant praise, petting, or play. Many a damp dog loves to vent her frustration over bath time by playing exuberant tug-of-war with the bath towel — or just running away with it–when it’s all over.

Understanding Chihuahua Dog Behaviors and Temperament

Understanding Chihuahua Dog Behaviors and Temperament

A Chihuahua is an extremely tiny dog that belongs to the toy classification. However, the behavior of Chihuahua dog breed is frequently based on the fact that they tend to act bigger than they actually are. They take themselves very seriously, even if that means standing up to much bigger dogs. Chihuahuas are loving dogs but they also have a reputation of having some challenging habits. They are fragile, but also like to jump, and this can be a problem, especially if they choose to jump off your kitchen counter. Basically, the behavior of a Chihuahua dog is shaped mainly by its environment. Here are some general points regarding Chihuahua dog temperament and behaviors.
General Chihuahua Dog Behaviors 
Very courageous dogs: A common temperament of Chihuahua dog breed is its frequently demonstrated courage. It’s not rare to for this dog to face a larger dog head-on. There are also cases where it shows signs of weakness, which many people find to be sweet and amusing. These dogs tend to get suspicious and bark loudly at unfamiliar people, particularly if they suspect any harm coming to them or their owners. As soon as you’re successful in getting this dog’s trust, he won’t have any problem approaching you and trying to get friendly with you. At this time, it’s important to establish the bond between you and your dog in order for you to enjoy his attention and loyalty to you as his owner. It’s also best that you adopt two dogs of the same breed so that they can play and socialize with each other. You’ll achieve this very easily because the Chihuahua dogs bond with each other fast.
Love being cuddled: One, among the good Chihuahua dog behaviors, is that they enjoy being cuddled. The warmth they get from this makes them feel secure and loved. Chihuahuas are also known to enjoy being in the sun, so much that you’ll frequently find them sunbathing. They will always carefully look for a spot and stay in the sun for warmth. When it isn’t sunny, these dogs will look for towels or a blanket and wrap themselves in order to be warm. Don’t expect your Chihuahua dog to go out to potty when it’s cold outside, particularly during winter months. It’s advisable to dress your Chihuahua dog accordingly during colder months. They don’t mind being dressed either.

More on Chihuahua Dog Temperament 
Just like humans, Chihuahua dogs can also pick up behaviors and temperament patterns from their parents. However, for the most part, these dogs are loyal and can easily be trained. If you need to be certain about the behavior of the Chihuahua dogs you’re adopting, then check the certificates that accompany them, and get some direct information from the breeder concerning the background of the individual dog. After buying or adopting your dog, the Chihuahua dog behaviors will then mostly rely on you, and how you train the dog.

How to clean your dog's teeth

Brushing your dog’s teeth might seem like a chore, but it could be an enjoyable bonding activity for both you and your dog.
Here’s a step-to-step guide on how you can make this basic grooming routine also fun and rewarding:

Step 1: Get your dog used to the taste of the toothpaste.
It is important for your dog to get used to the flavor and consistency of the toothpaste. You can do so by letting your canine companion lick a little bit of the toothpaste off your finger. Don’t forget to reward your dog when he or she licks it off.

Step 2: Make sure your dog is comfortable with having something placed against his or her teeth and gums.
It is one thing for your dog to be used to the taste of the toothpaste, but it’s another thing for your dog to feel comfortable with the act of brushing. You can slowly ease your dog to it by applying a small amount of toothpaste to your finger and rubbing it on of the large canine teeth in the front.

Step 3: Get your dog used to a toothbrush or dental sponge.
Getting your dog used to the bristles of a toothbrush can be quite a challenge, but just do it consistently until your dog gets the hang of it. At first, you may just want to brush one or both upper canine teeth. Give it about a week and your dog should have no trouble licking the toothpaste off the brush after.

Step 4: Get brushing
Lift your dog’s upper lip gently and place the brush at a 45º angle to your dog’s gum line. Gently move the brush back and forth, and keep at it for about five minutes. When your dog accepts having several teeth brushed, gradually increase the number of teeth you are brushing. While you’re at it, make sure to talk to your dog in a happy voice while you are doing the brushing. It helps relax your dog and makes him or her feel more comfortable.
The truth is – the hardest part about brushing your dog’s teeth is getting started. Once you have done it for a while, it just becomes part of your daily routine.

Food for health your Chihuahuas

Most veterinarians counsel pet parents to refrain from feeding their dogs people food. It's a behavioral issue as well as a nutritional one, as a diet composed entirely of people food can encourage begging as well as cause obesity and illness. Human foods that can make your Chihuahua sick, including bread dough, chocolate, walnuts, macadamia nuts and spicy foods.

Chihuahuas have a high metabolism. They need almost twice as many calories per pound to stay healthy. Their small stomachs keep them eating less in one sitting than they optimally need, however. recommendation for this problem is to feed your Chihuahua a high-quality kibble, making every bite count. When shopping for Chihuahua food, read the label and buy only the foods that list protein from meat within the first three ingredients. Avoid meat byproducts, meat meal and protein from unnamed sources. Also, go with foods that are free from additives, preservatives and artificial colors and flavors.

Chihuahua Exercise

Tips for Healthy Chihuahua Exercise 

  • Help a Chihuahua stay motivated. Some owners will say that their dog simply does not want to go for walks or play fetch. However, a dog often will mimic his owner's enthusiasm. The more an owner enjoys going for walks, the more a dog will jump up and want to go along.
  • Be aware of any red flag issues during or after exercise such as limping and bring any concerns to the attention of the veterinarian.
  • Do not allow for inactivity as it is a contributing factor toward canine obesity, a problem that affects roughly 50% of all U.S. pets, the Chihuahua included.
  • For those that live in areas that experience cold, snowy winters, some extra precautions may be needed in order to still be able to go outside and offer a Chihuahua needed exercise. The weather may call for an owner to put a coat, sweater or other protective clothes on their dog.

  • If rain is keeping you inside, carve out time for some indoor exercise. Playing games will help keep a dog active. Here is a simple, yet fun game to play with a Chihuahua inside that will help toward meeting his or her daily exercise needs.

How to play: Take a unique toy and hide it in an easy spot to find. Encourage your Chihuahua to find it, leading him to the area if need be (until he begins to understand the idea of the game). When he does, reward with lots of excited praise.

Then, hide the toy in a location that is a bit harder to find. Again, show excitement when your dog is looking for it. Give lots of encouraging praise.

You can keep making this game more difficult until it takes a moderate amount of time for your Chihuahua to find the toy and the final reward can be a healthy dog treat.

How To take a bath Your Dog

How To take a bath Your Dog Once you’re prepared to take on the task (with or without your dog’s cooperation), here’s what to do: - Br...